Synopsis: Maaro is a Telugu film released in 2011, directed by Siddique and produced by Mamidala Srinivas and Venu M Konda under Sri Rajeshwari Films Banner. It stars Nitin and Meera Chopra in the lead roles. The film has been shot in 2005; and in 2006 the film was shelved. Now after a very long time, to cash in on director Siddique’s recent success with Bodyguard, this film is slated for September 2011 release. The music is scored by Mani Sharma. This film will dubbed onto Tamil as Aditya and it will release soon. It is a remake of Siddhique’z Tamil movie “Sadhu Miranda”. with actors Prasanna and Kavya Madhavan in the lead roles. which itself is inspired from Malayalam movie co-directed by Siddhique which was released in 1998.

Ratings: 4.2/10
Genre(s): Action
Directed by: Siddique
Released On: 22 July 2015
Star Cast: Nitin, Abbas, Ali, Chalapathi Rao

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