Summry: A teenage boy named Eren Jaeger must use his special gift to fight alongside with the military to defeat the titan race. Mankind is on the brink of extinction when these man eating monsters terrorize everybody and destroy the last of human civilization left in the world.
In the year 800, humanity lives in fear of the Titans. A race of beasts who take the appearance of humans but are much larger and lack sexual organs. Their only purpose is to feast upon humans. However, humanity barricaded themselves in 3 50 metre walls to protect themselves from the terror of the Titans.

Director: Shinji Higuchi
Writers: Hajime Isayama (manga), Yûsuke Watanabe (screenplay) (as Yuusuke Watanabe)
Stars: Haruma Miura, Kiko Mizuhara, Kanata Hongô 


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