Synopsis: Gajakesari is a 2014 Indian Kannada epic action film directed by cinematographer Krishna and produced by Jayanna and Bogendra. The film stars Yash in leading role along with Amulya and Anant Nag. The film also prominently features an elephant named Arjuna from Waynad, Kerala. Actor Prakash Raj plays as narrator for the film to introduce Yash’s character.
The film proved to be a success at the box office having made collected more than 19.25 crore (US$3.1 million) at the end of its run, simultaneously receiving praise from critics.
Ratings: 7.1/10
Directed by: S Krishna
Released On: 23 May 2014
Genre(s): Action, Romance
Star Cast: Yash, Amoolya, Anant Nag
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