Storyline :The movie begins with an underworld don Billa (Prabhas), featured on Interpol's criminal list, hiding and operating out of Malaysia. ACP Krishnamoorthy (Krishnam Raju) has spent the last few years looking for Billa, leaving behind a life in India.During a chase with the police Billa is severely wounded after an accident and dies in front of the ACP. The ACP then secretly holds a burial of Billa. Interpol Officer Dharmendra (Rahman) is assigned to work with the ACP to capture the elusive Billa as no-one knows of Billa's death. The ACP keeps the death of Billa as a secret even from his fellow officers, and tracks down a look-alike called Swami Ranga (Prabhas), a petty thief based in Visakhapatnam. He asks Ranga to infiltrate Billa's gang by pretending to be Billa. In return he will make sure that the children Ranga adopted, Lakshmi and Sreenu, get a proper education in Hyderabad.............

 Directed by: Meher Ramesh
Written by: Salim Khan,Farhan Akhtar,Vishnuvardhan,Thota Prasad,Mohan Deekshit
Starring:Prabhas Raju Uppalapati,Anushka Shetty,Namitha,Krishnam Raju
Release dates : 3 April 2009 (India)
Running time: 149 mins
Movie Language : Telugu


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